

  书名 索书号 条码
1 Mass media and historical change : Germany in international perspective, 1400 to the present / G206.3-09/B742/2017/Y 102100514632
2 Critical perspectives on media, power and change / G206.3/C934t/2018/Y 102100514646
3 America, as seen on TV : how television shapes immigrant expectations around the globe / G229.712/R696/2018/Y 102100514659
4 LatinX voices : Hispanics in media in the U.S. / G206.3/C822/2018/Y 102100514662
5 The watchdog still barks : how accountability reporting evolved for the digital age / G219.712.9/K72/2018/Y 102100514668
6 The age of television / G229.712-05/E78/2002/Y 102100514674
7 Crisis and the media : narratives of crisis across cultural settings and media genres / G206.3/C932/2018/Y 102100514685
8 The screen media reader : culture, theory, practice / G206.3/S433/2017/Y 102100513743
9 News literacy : helping students and teachers decode fake news / G212/J33/2017/Y 102100513768
10 Online journalism : principles and practices of news for the web / G210.7/F781(3)/2017/Y 102100513777
11 Mobile and ubiquitous media : critical and international perspectives / G206.2/M687/2018/Y 102100513795
12 Press, politics and national identity in Catalonia : the transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881-1939 G219.551.9/D148/2017/Y 102100513796
13 Issues in news and reporting : selections from CQ Researcher. G219.712/I-86/2019/Y 102100513798
14 Actionable media : digital communication beyond the desktop / G206/T591/2018/Y 102100513818
15 Precarious alliances : cultures of participation in print and other media / G206.3-05/P923/2016/Y 102100513819
16 Social media-new masses / G206.3/S678p/2016/Y 102100513821
17 Misinformation and mass audiences / G206.3-05/M678/2018/Y 102100514635
18 Media scholarship in a transitional age : research in honor of Pamela J. Shoemaker / G210/M489/2018/Y 102100513969
19 Master class : teaching advice for journalism and mass communication instructors / G210/M423/2018/Y


20 Shooting the messenger : criminalising journalism / G21-05/F785/2018/Y


21 Digital orientations : non-media-centric media studies and non-representational theories of practice G206.2/M825/2018/Y 102100513983
22 Communicology for the Human Sciences : Lanigan and the Philosophy of Communication / G206/C734d/2018/Y 102100513986
23 Mediated girlhoods : new explorations of girls' media culture / G206.3/M489km/V.2/2018/Y 102100513987
24 Handbook of media management and economics / G206.3/H236(2)/2018/Y 102100513988
25 TV writing on demand : creating great content in the digital era / G229.712/L253/2018/Y 102100514005
26 The Routledge companion to British media history / G206.3-095.61/R869/2018/Y 102100514017
27 Heroes, heroines, and everything in between : challenging gender and sexuality stereotypes in childr G206.3/H559/2017/Y 102100514025
28 Twitter : social communication in the twitter age / G206.3/M984(2)/2018/Y 102100514026
29 Open TV : innovation beyond Hollywood and the rise of web television / G22/C555/2018/Y 102100514027
30 Negotiating group identities in multicultural Germany : the role of mainstream media, discourse rela G206.3/A116/2017/Y 102100514029
31 Millennials, news, and social media : is news engagement a thing of the past? / G219.712.9/P751(2)/2018/Y 102100514034
32 Reporting bad news : negotiating the boundaries between intrusion and fair representation in media c G212.2/D912/2017/Y 102100514035
33 The public arts / G220/S464/1994/Y 102100514048
34 The Cold War and entertainment television / G229/C688/2016/Y 102100514052
35 Dialectics of the goddess in Japanese audiovisual culture / G206.3/D536/2018/Y 102100514059
36 TV in the USA : a history of icons, idols, and ideas / G229.712.9/L799/V.1/2018/Y 102100514060
37 TV in the USA : a history of icons, idols, and ideas / G229.712.9/L799/V.2/2018/Y 102100514061
38 TV in the USA : a history of icons, idols, and ideas / G229.712.9/L799/V.3/2018/Y 102100514062
39 Robot journalism : can human journalism survive? / G210.7/L351/2018/Y 102100514079
40 Reimagining journalism in a post-truth world : how late-night comedians, Internet trolls, and savvy G219.712/M182/2018/Y 102100514083
41 Routledge handbook of Japanese media / G206.3/R869/2018/Y 102100514085
42 Misunderstanding news audiences : seven myths of the social media era / G210/E51/2018/Y 102100514095
43 Social media and living well / G206.3/S678h/2015/Y 102100514097
44 Remake television : reboot, re-use, recycle / G229.712/R384/2014/Y 102100514101
45 Social media : principles and applications / G206.3/S544/2015/Y 102100514106
46 Black, white, and in color : television and Black civil rights / G229.712/T693/2003/Y 102100514112
47 News, numbers and public opinion in a data-driven world / G210/N558n/2018/Y 102100514119
48 Towards a Praxis-based media and journalism research / G210/T737/2017/Y 102100514139
49 Contemporary BRICS journalism : non-Western media in transition / G219.1/C761/2018/Y 102100514143
50 Metamorphoses of (new) media / G206.7/M587/2015/Y 102100514153
51 Qualitative communication research methods / G206/L746(4)/2019/Y 102100514156
52 New media and transformation of social life in China / G206.3/N532a/2018/Y 102100514172
53 Against transmission : media philosophy and the engineering of time / G206.3/B255/2018/Y 102100514181
54 The Entertainment functions of television / G220/E61/2009/Y 102100514190
55 Darwinism in the press : the evolution of an idea / G219.712.9/C371/2009/Y 102100514198
56 A companion to media fandom and fan studies / G206.3/C737p/2018/Y 102100514713
57 Diversity in U.S. mass media / G206.3(712)/L973(2)/2018/Y 102100514717
58 Dynamics of news reporting and writing : foundational skills for a digital age / G212/F478/2019/Y 102100514726

Trends, experiences, and perspectives in immersive multimedia and augmented reality /



60 Cross-media authentication and verification : emerging research and opportunities / G210.7/K19/2019/Y 102100514742
61 Introducing communication theory : analysis and application / G206/W519(6)/2018/Y 102100514743
62 Journalism and the American experience / G219.712.9/E93/2018/Y 102100514744
63 Seeing fans : representations of fandom in media and popular culture / G206.3/S451/2018/Y 102100514748
64 Reporting elections : rethinking the logic of campaign coverage / G212/C985/2018/Y 102100514757
65 Networked selves : trajectories of blogging in the United States and France / G206.3/S582/2017/Y 102100514762
66 Newsgathering in Washington : a study in political communication / G219.712/N713(+)/2014/Y 102100514764
67 Creating fear : news and the construction of crisis / G206.3-05/A467/2015/Y 102100514765
68 Para-interactivity and the appeal of television in the digital age / G22/K64/2017/Y 102100514773
69 A companion to the history of American broadcasting / G229.712.9/C737/2018/Y 102100514780


